
After putting off writing this blog post for a while due to fears of stigma,judgement and insecurities, I decided to bite the bullet and write.

For a long time (a few years) I have coped with a lot of internal stress and panic. I get multiple symptoms and I thought I’d write about them.

Here is a real life example that I encountered yesterday morning;

When turning on my laptop to check on emails about jobs that I’ve applied for, my head starts to become cluttered and fuzzy and I get a headache, the anxiety of big change rearing it’s ugly head. I type my laptop password in and my heart starts to slowly increase in pace. The screen illuminates my face, opening a new tab and typing in Gmail. My hands start to tingle and shake. Nausea fills my stomach. I take a deep breath. I open my email and I have no new emails. Relief.My heartbeat slows down, my headache eases and my mind becomes clear again.

To me this is something I encounter every time I do that action. To others this is merely an everyday occurence; opening emails is something they find routine and easy to do. I find this difficult.

It’s strange growing up with your mind fighting against you, critisising you for everyday things. I know that opening an email is harmless and can only be a good step in the right direction but unfortunately my mind thinks differently. Irrational fears are very real and consuming, the thing to remember being that small, insignificant things expand to be big, scary opportunities for change and my brain doesn’t deal with that well.

Anxiety manifests itself in anyone, regardless of your sexuality,gender,age,occupation,ethnicity or other factors. People see me as this confident, kind and selfless young woman, which I believe and hope I am but I find myself comparing me to something like an unopened flower: still growing and waiting for her time to bloom.

These symptoms are just a few my body and brain likes to throw at me from time to time- the best thing to do being continuing to do the things that I know put me in a state of discomfort to break those fears down. A quote by the late (but great) Carrie Fisher says “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” and this really resonates with me: do things you’re afraid of and the confidence will follow.


This week I finished my A-Level exams, secondary education and a chapter in my life which has grown, developed, and strengthened me as a person. This week has brought a lot of change to my life and as someone who feels apprehensive when big changes appear, I have mixed feelings about this:


Change scares me, the fear of the unknown frightens me, and not knowing what new chapter or opportunity will arise fills me with uncertainty and apprehension. I am a person who prefers to have control over things and to have a routine which I can follow.


As they say: “The world is your oyster” and now is the time to explore the world. I could do anything I want because I’m independent, young and enthusiastic and that excites me. I could travel to far-flung places and explore new cultures, meet new people and absorb new languages, or, I could work and gain new skills and confidence. The A Level subjects I took were more creative than academic (Art, Drama and English Language) which have allowed me to increase in confidence and I now have such a passion and love for the arts.


The uncertainty of the future fills me with worry and anxiety. I have no idea what I want to do. I decided against going to university- It wasn’t for me and I don’t know what I would like to study anyway, so I am starting the process of thinking about what I’m interested in and looking into those sectors.


I think a lot of unnecessary pressure is placed on young people today, for them to know exactly what they want to do. It’s okay to not know yet, I have no idea what I want to do and whilst some people may view that as a setback, I know that I will find something I enjoy doing soon, and if I don’t find anything then I will keep looking.

I watched a Facebook video the other day about the idea that everyone has different ‘timelines’- we all do other things at different stages and everyone’s lives are different. For example; a few of my friends are going to study a subject at a University for 3 or more years, whereas I’m not. Everyone takes different paths and that’s okay. It’s about finding something you enjoy and sticking with it.

Change is good

At the back of my mind, I know that this process will be good for me, it has the potential to grow and develop my confidence and allow me to experience new things and opportunities. Change means that I can take the skills I have and apply them to new, and exciting things.

‘Time to Talk’

Today is “Time to Talk” day- a day about openly talking about mental health issues, reducing the stigma and raising awareness about the subject in general.As someone who has directly been affected by mental health issues, today is the time to tell you my experiences.

I was diagnosed with Anxiety about 3.5 years ago, after experiencing constant panic and anxiety-anything triggered me and I lost confidence, I was confused and I was scared. Being diagnosed has been both positive and negative- I know that my brain is wired differently, I accept myself and how to cope, but I also have to face the stigma and judgements from people who haven’t been educated about the subject, the symptoms of Anxiety and panic disorder and the highs and lows of life.

The past 3.5 years have been no easy feat, trying to control and neutralise a battle with my mind each and every day has been exhausting and frustrating. This developed a lack of confidence and self-belief and required me to build on my flaws, pick myself up, brush myself off and start over again.

3.5 years is a long time to feel like this constantly, so in late 2016 I decided to do something about it. As a young woman who has her whole life ahead of her, I wanted to make a positive change to myself and to help others. I saw counsellors and developed the necessary coping mechanisms and tools to tackle the issues head-on. I built up my Instagram page(sleepydragons) and began offering advice and help to those who needed it, thus developing in popularity and now posting regularly not just about this, but about good things that have happened.

I also wanted myself to step out of my comfort zone a lot more: starting driving lessons, acquiring 2 jobs and being an extra in a film are some of the things that I have done recently to build up my confidence.It’s important to remember that whilst this may seem easy for some people, these types of things are what overwhelms me. For a long time, going out to anywhere was incredibly difficult- I still can’t pinpoint what I was afraid of, but now I can go out to places and not feel afraid.

Anxiety is something that manifests itself in fear, phobias and doubt. The process of recovering has taken years,and hard work combined with determination- this process is different for everyone but it teaches you that your mental health is just as important as your physical health.Another thing to remember is that whilst I am feeling a lot better recently, I do have days where it holds me back and I feel like I will relapse. Every day is different and all I can do is accept it and move on.

If you’d like more information about any mental health issues, I’ve included some links to charities and organisations which help and offer support with mental health issues:


Another year down, and plenty more to go.

2017 was a year of great challenges and difficult setbacks but:

I did things I never thought I could do: over the summer a close friend of mine and I completed 3 days of filming on a film set for a movie- we were cast as extras and it was the most surreal and incredible experience that I will never forget- I also made a few friends whilst I was there (you all know who you are and thank you for being so wonderful) and I was completely out of my comfort zone- it was the best thing to do for my confidence, the first day being genuinely shocked and scared, but by the 3rd day I was absorbing the atmosphere and loving every moment.

Towards the end of the year, I also began working for a lady and her local business, helping out with her social media publication and gaining the experience and having fun whilst working too. I was encouraged to go for the job by my friends and family and I’ve never looked back since- again, it’s boosted my self-esteem and made me a more independent, organised person.

I also began to learn to drive too- something I’ve always dreaded and feared but actually, the more experience I get being in a car, the more confidence I develop and the fewer times I stall(!) so I enter the new year in anticipation for more lessons and hopefully passing my test this year!

I went on a short break to the Brecon Beacons with my parents and Archie(James was away on cadet camp), walking every day and being entranced by the peace, quiet and landscapes shaped by the mountains surrounding the small village where we were located.

In November my family and I travelled down to Portsmouth for my Mum’s birthday and saw my extended family and had a great time, I just wish I could be down there more often, I miss the sea and spending time with everyone. In May, I went to Weymouth with my Nan for a few days and spent time with her, eating way too much and laughing about everything, but enjoying walks on the beach, and spending time with one of my favourite people.

During the year, I’ve met and made so many wonderful new friends, and lost some people along the way but that’s a natural process of life which I have accepted.

Amongst the adventures and experiences, 2017 was a rollercoaster year in terms of my mental health. I talk about this a lot and have mentioned that founding this blog and uploading posts is a coping mechanism, but 2017 was definitely one of the hardest years with coping with Anxiety- I suffered many setbacks and some days I wanted to give up but I made it, all 365 days and that is something which I am really proud of. If there is one thing which you can take away from this is that it gets easier. Whether you’re going through a difficult time right now or you’re doing okay, when you face setbacks, remember that although it may be hard, keep your head up and you’ll be okay.

I am no Gandhi, but I hope the advice I give helps at least one of you reading this.

Here’s to a happy 2018!



I’ve just reached the small milestone of completing 10 posts. 10 posts is not a lot to most people, seeing as my Instagram has over 400 posts but in a short quantity of content, I have been able to open up to an audience who accept and understand the honesty and the experiences I have shared with them.

I realise that pouring my feelings into 500-word posts for anyone to see is a dangerous risk to take. With the development of technology, you can post anything online and someone will see it. That’s guaranteed but the content I devise and publish is personal and honest. It’s about stringing together words which make sense in my head and placing them onto a virtual page where hundreds of interested readers can follow my experiences and hopefully navigate through them with me.

A number of people have asked me why I started blogging, my response being that I began this blog just a few months ago to create a coping mechanism for the bad spells of anxiety that I was getting regularly, I’ve always been interested in blogging; just not having the confidence and self belief to go for it but now I’m glad I did. Writing my feelings on a page and out of my muddled head makes me think and feel clearer, it takes away the Anxiety behind them and makes them publicised and less constricted in my head, because if an audience can read them and understand them, why can’t I?

Blogging has been a place where even my insecurities have slowly fizzled out, as I type on my laptop the most personal thoughts and feelings, the shaking hands slow down and the heart rate decreases. The response I have got from these posts have been so uplifting and reassuring, there are people out there who care and who are interested in my busy and complicated life but I’ve gained so much confidence from this that I would hate to stop doing what I love.

Blogging has been a platform where even my fears of the future have depleted, I look forward to the days ahead instead of fearing tomorrow. After all, it’s just another day.

I began this process to be a voice for people who feel as though they don’t have one; to inspire and motivate the people out there who feel as though they need reassurance and hope. If you’re reading this; it gets easier.

Here’s to the next 10 posts. Remember: ‘Be a warrior, not a worrier’warrior

Sunday snow days

I woke up this morning to a world which had been transformed overnight with a blanket of thick, perfect snow. I haven’t seen snow since I was about 10 or 11, so, naturally, I threw on clothes and walked out the door, braving the flurries of snow and cold air.

One of the many reasons why I enjoy being outside when the weather is cold is because of the quiet streets and roads. The snow fell and in the distance, the sound of laughter and footsteps was the only noise being made. I feel as though snow and flurries of it have the ability to slow everything down and to make the world a calmer and less busy place. As a person who struggles with anxiety, I felt myself completely relax and feel my feet on the ground, crunching the snow with every step.

As we haven’t had snow in the UK for a few years, the whole experience felt like I was in a dream; taking me back to childhood memories where sledging down the hill, crashing into mounds of soft snow and howling with laughter became a normality every Christmas. Today I threw snowballs, I howled with laughter, I got very cold cheeks and my hands felt like ice, but I felt like a kid again. And underneath my layers of jumpers, scarfs and coats, I didn’t feel my heart pound with apprehension and anxiety and for the first time in a while, I felt better.

Recently, in terms of my Anxiety, I haven’t felt good, and I felt that today was the perfect time to allow myself to relax and to be able to enjoy myself- going for walks and getting a cup of tea in my local bakery whilst the snow was falling outside made me feel safe and enclosed, unable to worry about the next hour or if school would be open tomorrow(update:it isn’t).

It’s strange to think that just over a year ago, I felt a lot worse to how I feel now. I don’t like to talk about it but the patience and time I took out to make myself feel better again was the best thing I did for myself, because over a year, I’ve done things which I never thought I would achieve, and the confidence I lost is coming back again. It’s important to remember that if this time of year doesn’t sit well with you, just enjoy it if you can- because days like this, where the world is quiet and you feel safe and enclosed will help you feel better again. Take the time out needed for yourself. It will be the best thing you will do for yourself.


Celebrations, coffee dates and a catch up.

It’s Sunday. A day I usually associate with the weekly visit to Nan’s, however, today was spent nervously awaiting the Monday morning nerves of school and a new week ahead. Along with the shaky hands with the thought of going back to school and the thumping heart, I thought I’d take the time to tell you about what’s been going on recently.

A few weeks ago, I landed myself in a new job, helping out a lovely local lady with her businesses and her social media publication, I go a few evenings a week to her home and promote her book, which she wrote last year, about empowering women and gaining confidence in times of need, I wasn’t sure if I should include this but I absolutely love my job and I’m grateful for the opportunity- this has also increased my confidence and self-believe- something that the lady I work with really believes in, I really admire her and her work.

I’ve also spent a lot of my time with my friends and family. It was my Nan’s birthday on Thursday so I bought her flowers and had a takeaway curry with her and my family at her house during the evening. The company was great, the food tasting delicious,  and the atmosphere was lovely, so I really enjoyed myself. I’ve also reconnected with a few good friends and spent time with them, catching up with them and having a really nice time, enjoying their company.

With regards to my Anxiety, I haven’t had the best few weeks, it’s only been today where I’ve felt okay and there have been times where I want to hide from my responsibilities, but instead I expose myself to them and face the fears. It means that when I’m not feeling good, I have the mechanisms in place to ease the anxious feelings, so I keep on moving forward.

I also got new glasses the other day, my eyesight has got worse but I wanted to change the style of my glasses and I think I prefer them to the ones I previously had, the style I have now, I also think that I feel more mature and confident with these new ones, which is good.img_7875(The sun above my head and the overall edit of the picture-the white dots and the rustic look is part of an Instagram filter)

In other news, today I went for a coffee and a catch up with one of my closest friends, Amy. It was nice to see her after a few weeks, we had a laugh and I really enjoyed myself. Amy, if you’re reading this: you’re fab!

It’s always nice to step outside and take a break. I spend a lot of my time focusing on school work and worrying about various things: big, small and everything in between, so the idea of cold air, going for a walk refreshes my mind and calms me down, combine this with good coffee, a good laugh and great company and I’m sold.

So, after a busy few weeks, It feels good to sit down and update my audience on my whereabouts, what have you all been up to recently?

Have a good week!



“Be brave,be bold”

Bravery. I envisage knights slaying dragons, soldiers going into war, people defying the odds and succeeding, people doing amazing things, But also stepping out of your comfort zone and overcoming personal challenges: for me this has been coping with the confidence and anxiety issues- and  proving myself that no matter what has put me back in the past, you can succeed.

As a naturally anxious person, the thought of a new week with new deadlines fills me with unease. The conscious part of my mind knows that I will fulfil these deadlines and subsequently get the work done, but I can’t stop the butterflies in my stomach and the unease flowing through my body.

Being brave means different things to everyone: for me, being brave is withstanding the physical and emotional effects of stress and anxiety each day, but also getting through the day and taking everything as it comes. It means managing my mind and body and keeping myself happy, whilst being there for my wonderful friends and the people I love. Being brave also means stepping out of my comfort zone, which I try and work on regularly- and, so far, it’s going okay.

The idea of inspiring people and uplifting friends and family has always been a priority. If I can inspire at least one person in my day, week or month, then I know that the content I create and the messages I live by have all been worthwhile. Creating this blog and seeing the positive impact it has had on people has been so overwhelming and worthwhile. It was certainly a big step and a risk to take: expressing my feelings and thoughts to an audience and being honest about my experiences has been a brave process which I have enjoyed and can tell that it has had a positive effect on me, I feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable to talk about how I feel, rather than hold back and bottle it all up, the idea to start my blog was to help reduce the anxiousness and for this to become more confident and happy. And this, for me, is a personal victory. this post is a victory for me because sometimes I’m nervous to share how I feel.

I think that we can all celebrate personal victories: It doesn’t matter how big or small they are, they matter because whether you made a good cup of tea, you’ve had a good day, or you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone, you deserve the chance to reflect on the fact that you’ve done something good for you, your friend or for someone you love.

If the next week or so is making you uneasy, and you’re already thinking about the lessons you have or the deadlines you have to meet, remember: be brave, be bold.



A lot of my audience will follow my Instagram and Snapchat, and regularly see posts of a furry friend of mine called Archie. I decided to write this weeks blog post on my dog because he’s a happy part of my life and although cliché, he’s something that I love very much.

Archie is a rescue dog, from Dogs Trust and is a collie x labrador crossbreed- imagine 2 energetic breeds in one; walks with him are certainly entertaining, especially his pathological hatred for hedgerow animals, and squirrels whizzing up and down trees. And his eagerness to run around the fields and chase anything which isn’t another canine is hilarious, it’s hard to slow him down!

We’ve had Archie for 4 years since he was about 4 years old. When we first took him home, he was quiet and nervous, I remember trying to throw a stick for him to retrieve and him quivering in fright- we don’t know much about what happened before we rescued him but due to the scars on his neck and sensitiveness to changes in pitch in your voice, we imagine he was ill-treated and abused. Nowadays, he’s a much happier pup, always having a grin on his face and furiously wagging his tail whenever he sees people. Archie has a wonderful personality; very loveable, happy and affectionate- whenever I’m having a particularly bad day due to Anxiety or I’m upset, Archie apparently can sense this and therefore cuddles up to me. I remember when I was crying and he licked the tears off my face, bless him.

I once read an article which said that stroking a dog reduces the anxiety symptoms and feelings that someone may feel. Archie has been able to calm me down during numerous moments.

Archie always makes my family and I laugh, especially when he’s sleeping and chases animals in his dreams, his little feet twitching vigorously. There are many things that I love about Archie, a few things which make him different from other dogs is his striking white mane, white paws, the white flick on the end of his tail and the fuzzy white eyebrows, he’s aged gracefully! Archie doesn’t act like he’s 8 years old, he still acts like a crazy puppy- like when we rescued him 4 years previously. My happy, bouncy and full of beans pup.


Lessons learnt 12 months ago.

Now that we have said farewell to the delights of summer, and hello to my favourite season: autumn. This week, I’m going to focus on the things I’ve learnt over the past year. As someone who revels in cosy jumpers, making my way through numerous mugs of hot, steaming tea and a sucker for sweet treats, Autumn, by far, is my favourite time of year. I associate Autumn with a time to reminisce over memories which are good, bad, and everything in between.

A year ago, combined with a complete lack of confidence and belief in myself and the debilitating effects of anxiety issues, I wasn’t feeling good. At all. I don’t remember much, it all feels like a complete blur and when I think of the experiences I had, that was a time that I associate with being tough, draining and not pleasant- I tend to block it out and not think about it, but today is an exception. Over the past year, I’ve thought about the experiences and lessons that I’ve learnt from, and today I’m sharing them with you- purely to put these thoughts out there, onto here, and to inspire and motivate the people reading this.

  1. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone– Last year, even walking out of my front door and going outside became difficult for me, it was only after Archie’s bright eyes and wagging tail every evening after school that persuaded me to put on a coat and face the fear of exposure. Everyone’s comfort zone is different and no matter how big or small your barrier is, you can diminish the size of it if you believe in yourself and your abilities. Stepping out of your personal comfort zone will give you confidence. There is nothing bad about stepping out of the bubble around you and it will give you the sense of achievement that you deserve.
  2. Look after yourself, both mentally and physically– I’m sure you’ve heard it all before- that looking after your mental health is just as vital and important as your physical health. But believe me when I say this: allow yourself to look after your mind and muscles. There is only one of you, and if you haven’t had a good day, or life is too much, take as much time as you need to do something, big or small, which will uplift you. For me, this ranges from small joys like having a bath, or larger things like taking Archie out for a short walk.  This is different for everyone, but it’s important to maintain a peace of mind because keeping yourself happy is more important than many things. Sometimes, you should put yourself first.
  3. If you need help, ask for it. I was always too scared to ask for help both in and out of school. It takes a lot of confidence to tell someone that you need help, whether you’re stuck on school work or if you don’t feel good emotionally by counselling, mentoring, or talking to your loved ones. If you need the help, find it, because finding help and talking about how you’re feeling can be a really good way to lift a strain off your shoulders, no one expects you to solve all your problems by yourself, this is why organisations have been created to be there for you if you need the help. I remember reaching out, with the help of my family and friends, to local organisations and asking for help to minimise the anxiety symptoms and finding ways to relax. Once I started receiving the support that I needed, after a while, I began to feel better.
  4. Spend time with the people who you love. Your social network is one of the most important things to have. I know that if I’m not feeling myself, a quick text or a conversation with any of my friends, family, or the people I love helps to alleviate any stress or negative emotions that I’m feeling. Building strong bonds and having good relationships is so important to have because these people make your life seem a lot easier, brighter and happier. I know that my friends make me laugh, smile and enjoy life more than if I didn’t know them- so, if you’re reading this, and you know who you are, thank you for being a part of my life.

Cameras,castles,and colour-changing trees.

Over the weekend, I spent some time with my dad and grandpa (and Archie), visiting Winchcombe, and Sudeley Castle. My grandpa is part of my dad’s side of the family, so I don’t get to see him that much- he makes an annual visit during September time to come and visit us and sometimes we travel north to see him.

My grandfather is 93, fought in WW2 and has recounted many vivid memories of his time in the Atlantic and around the Mediterranean, the people he met and the experiences he had have always been ingrained in his memory. Along with his thick northern accent, sense of humour and white hair, my grandad is well known for his love of steam trains and photography. I developed a love of photography from him after he showed me a number of his different cameras and lenses that he’s collected over the years- I vividly remember a time where he proudly showed me and taught me the workings and showed me the images from one of his cameras, the corners of his mouth rising as he handed me the camera and let me view photographs of his garden, dog, and his home up north.


This was the first time I had visited Sudeley for many years, and the first time I visited in Autumn. Archie enjoyed racing around the fields adjacent to the grounds, smelling rabbit scent and bounding towards Grandad and his beloved camera, hearing the click of the shutter as Archie skidded to a halt. I enjoyed seeing the leaves fall from the trees and noticing the technicolour of leaves, from deep reds to bright yellows; I love autumn for the range of colours, mixing on each individual leaf.DSC_0337DSC_0329

Although we didn’t explore the castle grounds, I saw the children’s playground and the treehouse that was installed a few years back, the sounds of children laughing and having a whale of a time took me back to my childhood- corkscrew curls, muddy knees and flushed cheeks after running around the woods all afternoon, building dens and climbing trees made me think of the constant state of happiness I was in when being in  nature. Autumn was always a time where the wellies were retrieved from storage in the morning and caked in mud by the early evening, a day’s adventures done and dusted.

Amongst the sun shining through the trees, and the thumping of Archie’s paws on the soft earth, the feeling of contentment arose. I was happy, and in a good state of mind, the troubles of the past week hadn’t bothered me on Saturday, unlike the other days of the week where I began to question my confidence in myself. This was an exception on Saturday, where, for the first time last week, I felt good about myself.



First (ever!) blog post

I was inspired to start this blog by my good and gorgeous friend, Liv, so thank you for sparking the idea in my head and helping it become a reality!

It’s both a scary but also exciting experience to be able to put my hands to a keyboard and tell my audience about how I’m doing- I should be used to it by now, seeing as I narrate my life and my health on my Instagram posts but this is new territory for me! So please bear with me whilst I’m testing the waters.

If you have been following me on my various social platforms for a while, you will know that I struggle with anxiety issues. I developed a coping mechanism which was to tell my followers how I’m feeling through evocative and uplifting posts- something which has been successful and I will continue to create that sort of content, not only has it helped me, but it’s also helped a few of my followers and that fills my heart with such joy. It’s strange but yet so warming being told that you’re an inspiration to someone, I post the content that I write as a way to console the Anxiety, and to help others who are struggling- and I am so overwhelmed that I am making a positive difference in people’s lives.

If you wanted to know some more about me, this is what I look like:IMG_7068

I’m 17, and I essentially live in snug jumpers, jeans and I nearly always tie my hair up ( curly hair on a wet and windy day is not a good look, imagine the Dulux dog but as my hair!)I also really, really like tea. Give me a cup of builder’s tea any day and a plate of biscuits and I’ll be happy. I have a dog, he’s called Archie and is featured a lot on my Instagram and Snapchat(sorry)!- he calms me down if I’m having a bad spot of Anxiety, and has been known to lick the tears off my face when I’ve been crying. We also share a love of tea too, although he drinks a lot less than I do.

As I write this first post, the butterflies in my stomach are fluttering around, and my hands are shaking, my fingers warm after whizzing around the laptop keyboard, searching for words to form a sentence. I’ve been worried about writing the first post for a few days now, but it comes sort of naturally after I took inspiration from a couple of my posts on Insta, I think I’ve done pretty good.

So, essentially my blog will be about emotional well-being and daily experiences, I will probably post weekly if people enjoy the posts and the format, so let me know if you’re liking it so far!

Anna 🙂 x

Small spaces,new places: Canal holiday

Last Tuesday my parents, my grandad, Archie and I set off for a 4 day narrowboat holiday cruising through one of the many routes that encompass the Worcester and Birmingham Canal. This holiday is obviously very unusual and was totally out of my comfort zone, some of the things I am fearful of include small spaces and new places, so essentially this was a field day for my anxiety.

Nonetheless, I had no internet signal for 4 days and it was a perfect opportunity to shut off from the world and enjoy absorbing the serenity and calmness. I always feel a continuous pressure to reply to messages, comments and general social media activity, having grown up in an age of digital technology and the rise of social media, I’ve never really had a chance to shut off from it all. The 4 days without connection allowed me to reconnect with the present and to stop worrying about the past and future, for the first time in months I felt relaxed, more self-aware and content.

Our little boat was named Sparklingbrook and looked similar to the boat from the Children’s TV programme ‘Rosie and Jim’- red and green and funnily enough, sailed along a similar route as the puppets did on their show.

It was important for me to learn and experience the way of life aboard and beside the narrowboat: from learning how to open and close locks, driving the boat and mooring up alongside towpaths- you begin to realise the physicality of it all, and develop the strength in order to do certain things. At the start of the holiday, locks were my biggest challenge, but by the time we reached the end of our break away, they came to me naturally.

If there was one thing I’d take away from my experiences, it would be that there’s no harm in doing things outside your comfort zone, it may end up that you actually enjoy doing things which you would normally never do which is why stepping outside of your comfort zone is one of the best things you can do, in order to improve yourself.

Saturdays in Southsea

Saturday 18th November

The idea of going away and staying in places I haven’t been to in years fills me with both the feelings of excitement and anxiety. Yesterday,my family and I traveled down from where I live to Portsmouth, this took much longer than anticipated but we played games and sang along to ABBA so all in all, it was okay. Yesterday was my mums birthday so we celebrated by going out for dinner and spending time with family, . As I woke up this morning, I stretched my toes and felt my muscles relax, sinking back into the comfort of the sheets- reminiscing back to a year ago where even the thought of getting out of bed was challenging, let alone getting on with life. I’ve spent my day exploring around Southsea, finding independent businesses and spending time in chic cafes, warming my stomach with hot tea and sweet treats,being soaked by the rain and feeling the sea breeze wake me up and abolish any anxious thoughts, the thoughts in my head being forgotten as I realise that I’m doing okay. I’m fine and there’s nothing to worry about, feeling my heartbeat slow down and my muscles relax- ignoring the uncertainty of the future and just enjoying being in the moment.

Tonight we are celebrating my Grandad’s birthday, by going out for dinner. I don’t think I’ve seen my grandparents as animated and as happy as they have been these past few days and it fills me with such joy and content- they’re enjoying every moment and that’s what I wanted.

Sometimes I forget about how much I have improved over 12 months, my confidence has grown and I look forward to the future, I’m a lot more organised and I stress less now. I haven’t felt this relaxed in a while. It felt good to feel comfortable in myself, enjoying the atmosphere and relaxing.

I may feel different by Monday morning, I can already feel the dread seeping in, but for now, I’m okay and I feel good.